Conference venue > COVID-19 situation

Update on the health situation in Guadeloupe


Conditions of entry and exit by air in Guadeloupe, situation update on March 7


Passengers who do not have a complete vaccination scheme must justify, in order to travel, a compelling personal or family reason, an emergency health reason or a professional reason that cannot be postponed. Click here to read the list of compelling reasons and supporting documents.

In addition, they will need to present a completed travel certificate.

A vaccinated person is a person who can attest to the completion of a full vaccination scheme, i.e. :

    7 days after the 2nd injection for double injection vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) ;
    28 days after injection for single injection vaccines (Johnson&Johnson)
    7 days after injection (only one injection required) of a vaccine in people with a history of Covid-19.

Unvaccinated minors can travel freely, they do not have to present a certificate of vaccination or self-insulate, if they accompany their vaccinated parents.

Source :


Source : Prefect of Guadeloupe : situation update on March 7

The situation continues to evolve favorably on both the hospital and epidemic fronts. The positivity rate is at 6.1% and the incidence rate of 403/100,000 habitants is below the alert levels. However, everyone's vigilance is essential because the virus continues to circulate.


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